Participants Voice




Participated as a Junior Ambassador in 2009. Athletes participated in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

APCC is an important place for children from different backgrounds to meet and foster open-mindedness, tolerance and respect.

The biggest influence APCC has had on my life is that it has made me more open-minded. It is wonderful that children with different beliefs and lifestyles come together from all over the world and interact with each other. At that time, the Junior Ambassadors exchanged business cards. Twelve years later, I am still in touch with the Sri Lankan girl who stayed in the same room as me.
During a recent cooking lesson over Zoom, she taught me how to make a traditional Sri Lankan dinner. I believe this is the power of APCC. APCC is important in fostering open-mindedness, tolerance, and respect. If there is anything we can do to help each other and work towards world peace, I think it is the APCC.