
実際に7月18日(土)に天神にて開催予定だったWe are the BRIDGEフェスティバル2020を、オンラインで開催!来福予定だった世界各地のこども大使たちによる、パフォーマンス動画をYouTubeで公開します。
APCC will host the online performance event on YouTube as an alternative to the live summer event. The submitted videos of JAs’ performance video and PAs’ fashion show will be uploaded on YouTube and shared on the special APCC website on July 18th, 2020

This is a greeting chart that you can see the greetings of the participating countries and regions at a glance.Please take a look at what language the Junior Ambassadors who were planning to visit Fukuoka this summer use and how they greet on this chart.
*This greeting chart is created by the volunteers of the Asian-Pacific Children’s Convention in Fukuoka. Please understand that there might be some expressions that are not commonly used by the locals.

【協賛企業 / Supported by】