BRIDGE Summer Camp 写真販売のご案内

トップページBRIDGE Summer Camp 写真販売のご案内

Thank you for participating in the two-week BRIDGE Summer Camp, BKP 2024.
We were able to finish this year’s event successfully, thanks to all of you. In addition, we were able to take a lot of wonderful photos.

We are excited to announce that these photos are available for purchase. The money you spend on the photos will be carefully used for the operation of APCC. Please buy your photos to cherish your summer memories and support a good cause.

*Please refrain from disclosing any information about the photos, as they are intended to be viewed only by those who have been involved in the BRIDGE Summer Camp.
*Please do not make any secondary use of the photos. If you wish to use the photos, please contact the APCC office in advance.

APCCボランティアのみなさま、ホストファミリーのみなさま、約2週間にわたる「BRIDGE Summer Camp」お疲れさまでした!!

