【30th】APCC Invitation Project 2018

トップページ【30th】APCC Invitation Project 2018

The 30th Asian-Pacific Children's Convention in FUKUOKA 


  Document Download Page for L.O.s  

Invitation Project 2018 (July 12th – 24th, 2018)


Please download all the following documents and inform the APCC office of your completion.




※May※(to be uploaded on May 25, 2018) 

(1)  The 30th APCC Schedule (As of May, 2018) 【For All Participants】
(2)  Chaperon Manual 【For Chaperon and Liaison Officer】 
(4)  Travel Insurance Claim  【For All Participants】

(5)  Power of Attorney

(6)  Notice on & Consent to Handling of Personal Information

            ⇒ (5) (6) Submission deadline: July 11-13
    *Please have Chaperon to bring all the original copies of the
            documents to Marine House and submit them to APCC directly.
(7) Details of Travel Insurance  【For Liaison Office and All Participants】
(8) Health Check Form   Word / PDF  【For Liaison Office】
           ⇒ (8) Submission deadline: the day before departure



April (April 10, 2018 Uploaded)

(1)  The List of One-day School Visit Program / The List of Countries/Regions that need VISA to enter Japan


*Only for the 28 delegations participate One-day School Visit Program on July 17 (Please see the List (1) )*


(2) ★NEW★ Name List for APCC One-day School Visit Program  DeadlineMay 10th, 2018 

               6JAs & Chaperon           4JAs & Chaperon 


(3)  One-day School Visit Program Information Sheet  ※DeadlineMay 10th, 2018 





February (February 27, 2018  Uploaded) 

(1)  Cover Letter

(2)  All about APCC  

(3)  The 30th APCC JA Handbook

(4)  The Report of Training Program    ※Deadline:May 10th, 2018 

(5)  Regarding the Performance Event

(6)  Performance Information Check Sheet    ※Deadline:May 10th, 2018  

                  Word      PDF 

(7)  About the meals of Marine House

(8)  Marine House Meal Type Request From     ※Deadline:May 10th, 2018 

        (For 6 JAs & Chaperon)     Word      PDF 

        (For 4 JAs & Chaperon)     Word      PDF 


(9)  The 30th APCC Plannning Booklet 

(10)  The 30th APCC Special Anniversary Event

(11)  Special Attention -1- (Various Symtoms to watch for)




November (November 24, 2017  Uploaded)

(1)  The 30th APCC Details of Invitation & Annual Schedule


(2)  Announcement of Participation    ※Deadline:December 20th, 2017 


(3)  Liaison Office Information Sheet  ※Deadline:December 20th, 2017 


(4)  Report of Participants' Selection Report From   ※Deadline: February 20th, 2018 


(5)  Name List 1 & 2  ※Deadline: February 20th, 2018 

       6JAs & Chaperon (Word)        4JAs & Chaperon (Word) 


(6) Written Oath & Concent   ※Deadline: February 20th, 2018 

           JA & Parents (Word)                 Chaperon (Word)  


(7) NEW★  Consent to Submit Personal Information   ※Deadline: February 20th, 2018 

           JA & Parents (Word)                 Chaperon (Word)  


(8) Information Sheet  ※Deadline: March 15th, 2018 

            JA (Excel)                  Chaperon (Excel) 


(9) Mecical Certificate   ※Deadline: March 15th, 2018 


(10) NEW★ Dietary Restricition Survey ※Deadline: March 15th, 2018 


(11)  Letter "Dear All JAs for the 29th APCC"


(12)  APCC Disciplinary Policy for Liaison Office


(13)  APCC Global BRIDGE Partnership & the Strategic Plan for the NEXT APCC

