

トップページお知らせAPCC事務局【APCCスマイルサポートプロジェクトスタートのお知らせ~We are launching our online donation website!~】

  • APCC事務局

【APCCスマイルサポートプロジェクトスタートのお知らせ~We are launching our online donation website!~】

≪English below≫


APCCの30年以上の歩みの中で、延べ15,000人以上のこども達が、言葉や文化・政治・宗教の違いを乗り越え、アジア太平洋諸国・地域はもとより世界各国と日本を繋ぐ友情を育んできました。こんなに多くのこども達が「地球市民」に向けての一歩を踏み出すことが出来たのは、行政や企業、幅広い世代のボランティアの方々、ホストファミリーを始めとする、APCCの活動を応援し、ご支援してくださる皆さまのおかげです。このようにいつも支えてくださる皆さまのAPCCへの温かな期待を繋ぎ、支援の輪を福岡、日本、そして世界へと広げるべく、オンライン寄付制度 『スマイルサポートプロジェクト』 を始動しました。





【We are launching our online donation website!】

Today, we are very pleased to announce the launch of our brand new donation website!

Over the course of our history, more than 15,000 children have built and nurtured friendships that connect the countries in the Asia-Pacific region despite of the cultural, political and religious differences among them. Not to mention, this accomplishment is thanks to all of you who always cheered us on and helped us turn out Global Citizens with limitless potential to the world.

In order to pass on the torch of hope to our future generation, we have finally set up a donation platform to receive financial contribution from our supporters inside and outside of Japan. We named this initiative ‘Smile Support Project,’ hoping to keep spreading smiles to children across the world. If you see the value in what we do and hope to benefit them with the priceless opportunity of cultural exchange, please consider becoming one of our APCC Smile Supporters. Also, it would be highly appreciated if you could share this new initiative of ours with the APCC community in your country / region.


・The following link will allow you to donate any amount over 1000 with your credit card.
・With deep appreciation, your donation will be used to keep our organization running and to deliver cultural exchange programs.
・APCC Smile Supporters will receive a newsletter every half year as well as some downloadable gifts.
For more details, please visit the link below.  APCC Smile Support Project: https://www.apcc.gr.jp/cms/smile-support-project

Thank you very much for your continued support.

APCC Office
