Haruna Sadamatsu
APCC made me feel closer to the world
貞松 陽菜 / Haruna Sadamatsu
Volunteer (Camp division, GBLAP leader, Performance event)
I believe that APCC has helped me to experience ‘OMOIYARI’ and made me feel closer to the world. The first year I attended APCC, I was in the midst of the campground at night when the kids went to bed and the silence of hundreds of sleeping children from all over the world made me feel the gentle sense of togetherness, which almost brought me to tears. Children who participate in APCC’s programs interact with others who do not speak their own language and belong to different cultures, but become lifelong friends by appreciating their feelings and enjoying their time together. I think this is a unique aspect of the APCC program that allows us to develop such OMOIYARI relationships. Furthermore, my involvement with the APCC has brought me closer to the world. For example, when you hear about Fiji, you may have heard about their problems dealing with climate change. However, I have a completely different feeling when hearing about this since it is the country where my host friend lives. When I studied abroad in Bordeaux, a former APCC volunteer who lived there invited me to an alumni reunion party. I have also reconnected with the APCC family in Vietnam. Even if we don’t go abroad, we are still exposed to the world in every aspect of our lives through what we eat and what we wear every day. I believe that when someone’s face or a happy memory comes to mind, the feeling of ‘OMOIYARI’ empowers us to take positive action.