BVSC2022 プログラムレポート

トップページBVSC2022 プログラムレポート

【速報!プログラムレポート/Quick Report】

第1回【Day1】 2022年7月10日(日) 10th July

今日からプログラムのスタートです! 第1回目となるDay1ではフクオカキッズと保護者様に向けた説明会を行いました。
まず、はじめにファシリテーターやグループのお友だちと仲良くなるために英語で自己紹介をしました!はじめは緊張していたこどもたちも、お家にあるものでしりとりをするアイスブレイクの時間ではたくさんの笑顔が見られました 😊 また、こどもたちが自分の思いをリアクションカードやジェスチャーを使って一生けん命に伝えようとしている姿がとても印象的でした👏 今日考えた目標を達成できるようにDay5までがんばっていきましょうね👍
次回のプログラムからは、いよいよ海外のこどもたちと交流をおこないます✨ 今日練習したそれぞれの国のことばで、元気いっぱいにあいさつをしてみましょう !

BRIDGE Virtual Summer Camp starts today!On the program of Day 1, we held a briefing session for FUKUOKA KIDS and their parents.
In the program, FUKUOKA KIDS introduced themselves in English to be friends with facilitators and group members! The children were nervous at first. But they naturally smiled at the Ice break time (playing a word chain game with items in their house). Also, it was very impressive to see the children trying to convey their thoughts by using reaction cards and gestures.  Let’s do our best until Day 5 to reach the goals we decided today!
Next time, we will finally interact with children from overseas. Let’s say “Hello!” in the language of each country we practiced today!

第2回【Day2】 2022年7月23日(土)・ 24日(日)/ 23rd ・ 24th  July

Day2のドレスコードは「自分の国の民族衣装」✨ お気に入りの服を着ているこどもたちもいて、みんなの個性あふれる衣装がとても素敵でしたね👏
Program Day 2 has started!
From this time, overseas children finally joined us!
The dress code for Day 2 is “National or traditional costume”. Some of the children were wearing their favorite clothes, and everyone’s unique costumes were wonderful.

Macarena Dance (マカレナダンス)

The program starts with Macarena Dance, which is popular event of APCC! Let’s all remember and enjoy dancing!

■ Knowing Each Other(世界の食べ物を知ろう)

During this time, the children were divided into groups by theme to think about the food in their own country.
On Day 3, we will have time to give a presentation about it. I am very curious about what kind of presentation the children will have!

■ Fun Activity(APCCのテーマソングWe are the BRIDGEにあわせてダンスをおどろう)

APCCのテーマソングである「We are the BRIDGE」の曲にあわせてダンスの練習をしました。みんなすぐに振り付けを覚えて上手にダンスをおどっていて感動しました。この調子でDay3からも頑張りましょう!
We practiced dancing to the APCC theme song “We are the BRIDGE”. I was surprised that everyone remembered it immediately and was dancing well. Let’s do our best on Day3 as well.

■ Let’s Learn Positively(環境問題について考えよう)

Taking the problem of rising sea levels in Kiribati as an example, we considered the environmental problems of each country. It’s a difficult problem, but it would be great if you could research the environmental problems in your own country and make a presentation with confidence by the next time.

■ “TSUNAGARU”(Doors+を使って世界のお友だちとコミュニケーションをとってみよう)

We learned how to use Doors +, APCC’s online communication tool. Let’s use Doors to communicate in English with your friends around the world.

■ Nice to meet you (英語で自由に話してみよう)

「Nice to meet you」は同じグループのこどもたちだけで英語で自由にお話をする時間です。今回恥ずかしくてうまく話せなかったお友だちも、次は少し勇気を出してお話しできると良いですね!
“Nice to meet you” is a time for the children in the group to talk freely in English. Children who couldn’t talk this time, let’s talk with courage next time!

3時間の長いプログラムをみんなよく集中して頑張りました👏 そして、みんなが一生けん命に英語を話し、思いを伝えようとしている姿をみて感動しました。宿題を忘れずにおこなって、次回のDay3でも元気いっぱいなみんなに会えることを楽しみにしています!💖
Everyone concentrated on the long three-hour program and did their best. I was impressed to see everyone actively speaking English and trying to convey their thoughts. Don’t forget to do your homework and look forward to seeing you all on the next Day 3!

第3回【Day3】 2022年8月6日(土)・7日(日)/ 6th ・ 7th  August

Day3 Bridge Virtual Summer Camp has started!
The dress code for Day3 is “everyone’s favorite outfits”. Some of the children were wearing unique costumes and T-shirts of their favorite characters!

Macarena Dance (マカレナダンス)

本日もマカレナダンスから元気にスタートです💃 こども達のダンスもどんどん上達してきた気がします…!
Day 3 also started with macarena dance. I feel that the children’s dancing is getting better!

■ “TSUNAGARU”(Doors+を使って世界のお友だちとコミュニケーションをとってみよう)

We asked several children what messages they sent on Doors. Until the next program, let’s share what you’re into these days.

■ Knowing Each Other(世界の食べ物を知ろう)

テーマごとにグループの中で準備してきたレポートの発表を行いました。色々な国の食べ物や飲み物について知ることができてどの発表も興味深かったです。みんなが作ってくれたレポートは1冊のガイドブックになります!📖 そして、次回までの宿題は食べ物に関するクイズを考えること。みんなが考えるクイズも楽しみにしています。
The kids gave presentations on the reports they had prepared for each theme in the group. Every presentation was interesting. The report that everyone made will be one guidebook! And the homework until next time is to think of a quiz about foods. I’m looking forward to the quiz that everyone thinks.

■ Fun Activity(APCCのテーマソングWe are the BRIDGEにあわせてダンスをおどろう)

First we played an ice breaker game. The game is “Bring something what you like”. I was happy to see a lot of everyone’s smiles. Everyone’s dancing and singing practice was much better than last time. Next time, at the end, we will all dance together. Please watch the practice video and practice at home.

■ Let’s Learn Positively(環境問題について考えよう)

はじめに、元こども大使で現在国連という組織で働いているピース大使に、世界が行っている環境問題への取り組みについてお話を聞きました🌎 グループ活動では調べてきた環境問題についてみんな絵やスライドを使って上手に発表をしていて驚きました。次回までに「私たちが環境を良くするためにできること」について考えてみましょう。
First, we listened to the presentation by Peace Ambassador, a former junior ambassador who is currently working for the United Nations, about how the world is addressing environmental issues. In group activities, I was surprised to see how well everyone used pictures and slides to make presentations about the environmental issues they had researched. Until next time, let’s think about what we can do to improve the environment!

■ Nice to meet you (英語で自由に話してみよう)

Nice to meet youではランダムのグループで自由にこども達だけでお話をしました。事前に質問を考えてきているお友だちもいましたね!みんながお互いの話をうなずきながら熱心に聞いていてとても良い時間になったと思います 😊
During this time, we talked freely with just the kids in a random group. There were some friends who were thinking about questions in advance! I think it was a very good time for everyone to understand each other.

On Day3, everyone was more active in speaking and making presentations than last time! Unfortunately, Day 4 will be the last time kids from overseas will participate, but let’s enjoy this precious time until the end!

第4回【Day4】 2022年8月20日(土)・21日(日)/ 20th ・ 21th  August

Finally, Day 4, the last day of interaction with children from overseas, has started! The dress code this time was “yellow” which is the image color of APCC.

■ Nice to meet you (英語で自由に話してみよう)

Nice to meet youではランダムのグループに分かれて自由に英語でお話ししました。少し緊張している子もいましたが頑張って自己紹介ができていましたね!👏During the nice to meet you time, we were divided into random groups and talked freely in English. Some children were a little nervous, but they did their best to introduce themselves!

■ Knowing Each Other(世界の食べ物を知ろう)


First, the kids gave each other a quiz about food, which was their homework last time, in groups, and then each group presented their quizzes in the main room.
Every quiz was well thought out and interesting. It was a lot of fun!
Let’s share your country’s easy-to-cook food on Doors, or post a photo of the food you’ve made!

■ Let’s Learn Positively(環境問題について考えよう)

みんなの発表を聞いて小さなことでも環境のために私たちにできることはたくさんあることを学ぶことができました! 🌎
After group presentations of “action plans (what we can do to improve the environment)”, several kids gave presentations in the main room.
Listening to their presentations, we learned that even small things can do a lot for the environment!
Let’s try your own action plan and share your photos on Doors!

■ Fun Activity(APCCのテーマソングWe are the BRIDGEにあわせてダンスをおどろう)

アイスブレイクの時間ではみんながお気に入りの色のアイテムを持ち寄って画面をカラフルにするプロジェクト「Be colorful」を行いました🌈みんなの個性が色になって表れて、とてもきれいな写真がとれました!
そして、最後にこれまで練習してきたダンスを全体で一曲通しておどりました。みんながしっかりとダンスを覚えていてお家でもよく練習してくれていたことがよく分かりました!「We are the BRIDGE」の曲に合わせて、お互いの距離は離れていても同じダンスを同じ時におどったことで、みんなが一つになれたと思います!お疲れさまでした★
During the ice break time, everyone brought their favorite colored items and did a project called “Be colorful” to make the screen colorful. Everyone’s personality became a lot of colors, and we were able to take a very beautiful picture.
And finally, for the last time, we all danced together. I was very moved. With the song “We are the BRIDGE”, even though we were far away from each other, we danced the same dance at the same time, and I think we all became one! Thank you all for your hard work!

■ クロージング

We had a photo shoot at the end of the program! Everyone had a wonderful smile.
And the final result of the number of messages that everyone exchanged on Doors was “2690”!
I hope that you will continue to communicate with your friends overseas even after the program ends.

これで海外のお友だちとの交流は最後となってしまいましたがこどもたちにとって今回のBRIDGE Summer Campが今年の夏の素敵な思い出として残ってくれたら嬉しいです…!
On Day 4, everyone presented what they had prepared so far and learned from each other!
This is the last time we have interacted with friends overseas, but I hope that this BRIDGE Summer Camp will remain as a wonderful memory for the kids…!
On the next Day5, Fukuoka Kids will review the program. see you next time!

第5回【Day5】 2022年9月4日(日) 4th  September

今年のブリッジバーチャルサマーキャンプはDay5をもって終わりとなりますが、これからもDoorsを使って海外のお友だちと交流を続けることができます! ✨

On September 4th, the final day of the program, Day 5, was the closing ceremony!
First, we interviewed a few kids about how they felt after completing the program.
I was happy to hear that many of the kids were able to achieve the goals they set on Day 1.
I felt everyone’s efforts and growth over the past two months, such as making more friends overseas and being able to give presentations with courage!
This year’s Bridge Virtual Summer Camp ends on Day 5, but you can continue to interact with your friends overseas using Doors!
I hope that this Bridge Virtual Summer Camp will be a good opportunity for children to become interested in English and overseas.
Thank you to all the FUKUOKA KIDS, facilitators, and volunteers who worked hard until the end!