TopFAQChallenge trip related


What will you do during the challenge trip overnight training?


The children who are members of the group and the volunteers who lead them together go through a one-night, two-day training session to deepen the group's cohesiveness and experience what it's like to live away from their parents' homes.


How much does it cost to participate in the Challenge Trip?


Costs vary depending on the destination. Please check the application guidelines as they are listed there.


Is the dispatch schedule for Challenge Trip 4 nights and 5 days at any destination?


The schedule varies depending on the country/region to which you will be dispatched.For detailed schedules, please check the application guidelines on the Challenge Trip page on the APCC official website.


I have dates where I cannot participate in the pre-challenge trip training, but can I still apply?


In principle, participation in all training sessions is a prerequisite. You can apply, but priority will be given to those who can participate in all training sessions.


Can I withdraw the challenge trip after I have been selected as a member or chaperon?


You cannot withdraw your offer after it has been decided (it is a condition of your application that you must participate in all training sessions and be able to participate during the dispatch period).


When will we know which country we will go to for the Challenge Trip?


We will inform you of the destination(country) in the notification of selection of delegation's members and Chaperons sent after the selection process.


I am unable to attend the Challenge Trip's briefing session, but can I still attend the briefing session for Chaperon?


You can participate in it, but the role of the Chaperon is completely different from that of the delegation's members, so the content of the information session will be different from that of the members. Also, the information session for the Chaperon is for adults, so the content may be difficult for children. Please participate in the member information session as much as possible.


When applying to become a Challenge Trip member, I live in another prefecture rather than Fukuoka Prefecture, but can I still apply?


You can apply even if you live in another prefecture. However, since APCC is an NPO and operates with subsidies from Fukuoka Prefecture and Fukuoka City, priority will be given to children residing in Fukuoka Prefecture if we receive a large number of applications. In addition, we will hold multiple training sessions in Fukuoka City, so those who can participate in all of them face-to-face are eligible.


I'm thinking of applying for the challenge trip with my friends, brothers and sisters, but can we be in the same delegation?


We are very sorry, but it is not possible to participate in the same delegation.


Please tell me the themes of the assignments for the Challenge Trip application.


The content of the assignments varies depending on the year, but for reference, the assignments for the Spring 2024 dispatch are as follows.
【Elementary and junior high school students】
①Why did you decide to apply for Challenge Trip?
②What do you want to try in your destination?
③What kind of person do you want to be in the future?
【High school students】
①What do you want to try in your destination?
②What is the one thing about yourself that is better than others?
③What role do you think you can play in the delegation, which has members ranging from elementary school to high school students?