

TopNewsAPCC OfficeEducational support pilot project initiatives

  • APCC Office

Educational support pilot project initiatives

This time, APCC, together with the Fukuoka City Board of Education,CSR in EducationBy combining this program with APCC's school attendance and school visit initiatives, we developed a new educational CSR program and conducted an experimental project that could be disseminated nationwide as an international education initiative utilizing advanced ICT (information and communication technology).

*CSR in Education...Corporate social responsibility contribution activities in the field of education

"Fukuoka Kids Global Message Project"Akasaka Elementary School (host country: South Korea)andHirao Elementary School (host country: Hawaii)The event was held in. The details are introduced on the following page. Please take a look!


■ Intel and Panasonic support education in Fukuoka City 
~ Educational program for elementary school students aimed at acquiring 21st century skills
■ Fukuoka and Korean elementary school students exchange in English...Open class at Akasaka Elementary School
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