

TopNewsAPCC OfficeDeadline for film volunteer staff and extras applications is fast approaching!!

  • APCC Office

Deadline for film volunteer staff and extras applications is fast approaching!!

The Children's Conference will celebrate its 25th anniversary next year, and as a commemorative event, we are holding a "Citizens' Made Film" project! We are looking for extras to appear in the film and volunteer staff to help with the film production. We think this will be a valuable opportunity to take part in "film production." Many friends are waiting!! We look forward to your participation!!!

Filming is scheduled to take place from around January 10th next year until the end of the month (for around 20 days).

●Application deadline: Deadline for film volunteer applications is Monday, December 10th

Deadline for movie extras recruitment12/16 (Sun)   →Extended until 12/26 (Wed)!

*If the number of extras we are looking for is low, we may continue recruiting. 

<Film Volunteer Registration Information Session>

If you are interested in being a film volunteer, you must attend the film volunteer information session listed below.

Please come and join the information session.

*If you would like to attend the information session, a reservation is required, so please contact the secretariat.

 ★Date and time: Sunday, December 16th, 10:00 check-in, 10:30 information session starts, 12:00 information session end time

Venue: APCC Secretariat (Fukuoka City Hall North Annex 5F Conference Room)

(The main gate will be closed on the day, so please enter through the side entrance on the Best Denki side.)

 For more information please visit:

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