

TopNewsAPCC OfficeThe entire group left the country safely.

  • APCC Office

The entire group left the country safely.


With the departure of the Micronesian group this morning, all groups invited this year have now left.

It ended safely.

220 children's ambassadors, 43 chaperones, and 2 observers from 34 countries and 43 regions

28 Peace Ambassadors and 4 BCIO Head Office members visited Fukuoka.

To see what is happening during the event, please visit the APCC official website's Public Relations Section blog and official Facebook page.

You can see it.

This year, we were able to hold such a big event and complete it without any problems, thanks to the support of APCC.

Thank you all for your support.

I'm really thankful to you.

We look forward to your continued support of APCC.



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