

TopNewsAPCC OfficeCourtesy visit from Mr. Hawkins, President of the Japan America Society of Hawaii, to Chairman Aso

  • APCC Office

Courtesy visit from Mr. Hawkins, President of the Japan America Society of Hawaii, to Chairman Aso

August 6th (Wednesday) Hawaii local contact point for the Asia Pacific Children's Conference in Fukuoka (APCC)
By Edwin P. Hawkins, President of the Japan America Society of Hawaii (JASH)
A courtesy visit was made to APCC Chairman Yasushi Aso.

Mr. Hawkins, who will retire as JASH chairman this year, said:
This is to express our gratitude to APCC, which has continued to invite children from Hawaii for the past 26 years.
He came to Japan with a letter of appreciation from the Governor of Hawaii and took time out of his busy schedule to stop by Fukuoka.




















★Click here for the letter of appreciation from the Governor of Hawaii

About BRIDGE CLUB Hawaii, an alumni association established in Hawaii by past children's ambassadors who participated in APCC.
The members will utilize their experience at APCC to actively contribute to the local community and interact with the community in Hawaii.
He proudly told us that he was supporting the disaster-stricken areas of Tohoku.

Young people who have grown up through APCC projects are actively working in various places,
We have received reports that we are having a very positive impact on each region.
It was a great experience for us as well, allowing us to realize the achievements we have made over the past 26 years and providing vitality for our future endeavors.

APCC conducts projects in cooperation with local contacts in each inviting country/region, such as JASH.
We value this kind of partnership, and hope that it will benefit the participating children and both communities.
While evolving to become a better business, we will move step by step towards realizing the APCC vision.


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