

TopNewsAPCC OfficeParticipants wanted for GBL Action Program: UN-Habitat Experience in Sri Lanka!

  • APCC Office

Participants wanted for GBL Action Program: UN-Habitat Experience in Sri Lanka!

We are looking for participants for a new program aimed at first and second year high school students who have participated in APCC!!

Those of you who have participated in APCC projects and had the opportunity to turn your attention to overseas and international society,
By gaining deeper learning and experience, you will develop the ability to think for yourself and take action.
We have developed a new program to develop you into a Global Bridge Leader (GBL).

In this program,United Nations Human Settlements Programme (Habitat) Fukuoka HeadquartersThank you for your cooperation.
You can visit and experience UN activities taking place in Sri Lanka.
In addition, the APCC alumni association in Sri LankaBRIDGE CLUB Sri Lankaand
By carrying out the program collaboratively, it became an event worthy of APCC.

For details, click below. Click herefrom!

We look forward to receiving your applications!!





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