

TopNewsAPCC Office*Recruitment period extended! GBL Action Program in Nepal ~ Recruiting participants!

  • APCC Office

*Recruitment period extended! GBL Action Program in Nepal ~ Recruiting participants!

The first round of applications was closed on October 5th, but we would like more people to consider participating.
October 18to Additional recruitment We have decided to carry out the following.


Recruiting second batch of Global Bridge Leader Action Program students!

What is the Global Bridge Leader Action Program (GBLAP)?
High school students have had the opportunity to experience various international exchanges and become interested in other countries and the international community.
By gaining deeper learning and experience, students will develop the ability to think for themselves and take action.
This is an APCC training program for high school students who aim to become Global Bridge Leaders.

Learn about the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
  From there, they will choose which issue to tackle and plan their project.

Learn about UN Habitat and its work.
  During local projects, you will visit the actual business site.

After returning to Japan, they will be involved in educational activities to share their experiences in the local project with as many people as possible.

The second batch of students will be sent to the following local projects:Nepalis!


For details, click below. Click here Please refer to the.

Full of enthusiasmThird year junior high school student,High school 1st and 2nd year studentsWe look forward to receiving your applications!


s_29th GBLA... s_29th GBLA...



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