

TopNewsBRIDGE Summer Camp11/21 (Sun) Bridge Virtual Summer Camp “Culture Show Case” final video released (The final video clips of “Culture Show Case” Uploaded!)

  • BRIDGE Summer Camp

11/21 (Sun) Bridge Virtual Summer Camp “Culture Show Case” final video released (The final video clips of “Culture Show Case” Uploaded!)

APCC's "Bridge Virtual Summer Camp" started in August 2021. The final video of the program "Culture Showcase" where children tried dancing from a new country has been completed! In this program, a total of over 200 children were divided into five groups and each attempted dances from India, Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, and Malaysia. The creation of the choreography and dance lessons were handled by Peace Ambassadors from each country, who are alumni of the Children's Ambassadors. Both music and dance are part of the culture that represents a country. Please take a look at the results of the children's challenge!

We have been uploaded the final video clips of “Cuture Show Case”, one of the main programs of BRIDGE Virtual Summer Camp. JAs and FUKUOKA KIDS were split into 5 dance groups and they tried a dance of India, Australia, Bangladesh, Japan and Malaysia (Ipoh). We hope you'll like the videos!

★The final video ishere/Click here to the special page

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