

TopNewsAPCC OfficeThe APCC event is just around the corner on Saturday, July 20th! This year, we will be live streaming the APCC performance event!

  • APCC Office

The APCC event is just around the corner on Saturday, July 20th! This year, we will be live streaming the APCC performance event!

APCC is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, thanks to the support of many people both in Japan and overseas.

Starting last weekend, July 12th (Friday), many overseas participants from 33 Asia-Pacific countries and regions have been entering the country one after another. 

Participants from various countries take part in various programs held throughout Fukuoka.

Among these, the major summer event, the Asia-Pacific Children's Conference in Fukuoka (APCC), is just around the corner on Saturday, July 20th!
This year, we will be holding a special event for those of you living in Japan and overseas who cannot come to the venue, Tenjin Central Park (Fukuoka City).
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of APCC, we will be holding live performance events on the following dates.
We are planning to hold an event, so please come and have a look!


Horse mackerelAtaPacificChildAlsoDiscussioninFukuoka Live streaming of performance events!! ★

Date and time: Saturday, July 20, 2013 12:00-18:00

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