

TopNewsAPCC OfficePeace Ambassador donates money to areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake

  • APCC Office

Peace Ambassador donates money to areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake

At the APCC PR event (Asia-Pacific Photo Walk) held on July 18, 2011 (Monday/holiday), Peace Ambassadors took over the event's main venue to collect donations for the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. We set up a booth at the Fureai Plaza of Fukuoka City Hall and sold souvenirs brought from our home countries. In addition, Ambassador Peace himself walked around the venue carrying a donation box and asked people who came to the event to make donations.

A total of 129,529 yen from booth sales and the donation box was delivered to areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake through the Japan Habitat Association. (Japan Habitat Association homepage

We sincerely pray for the stability of the lives of all the disaster victims and for the speedy recovery of the affected areas.




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