

TopNewsAPCC OfficeAnnouncement of the 2nd New Volunteer Consultation Session

  • APCC Office

Announcement of the 2nd New Volunteer Consultation Session

Yesterday, the first New Volunteer Consultation Session, held for the first time this year, concluded.

Thank you to everyone who participated.

The meeting had a friendly atmosphere throughout, and volunteers were also happy to talk about the sections they were interested in.

There were a variety of questions asked.

The second new volunteer consultation session is scheduled for next year on Saturday, January 18th from 2:00 p.m.

The location has not yet been decided, but we will let you know as soon as it is decided.

This is for new volunteers, as well as those who are re-registering and are still undecided about which committee to join.

Anyone can participate, so if you are interested, please contact the secretariat at

We look forward to the participation of everyone.


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