

TopNewsAPCC OfficeInformation about the Wing Kids 7th class recruitment information session and application session★

  • APCC Office

Information about the Wing Kids 7th class recruitment information session and application session★

★Notice of Wing Kids 7th term student recruitment information session and application session★

On September 27th, Wing Kids 6th class open lecture and 7th class recruitment information session were held. In addition to the lecture by Principal Urabe,

The 6th year students looked back on the first half of the year and each made a presentation.

For those who were unable to attend the information session on September 27th, we will be holding another one on November 3rd.

Please consider applying. In addition, an application session (interview) will be held on November 3rd after the information session.

If you would like to apply, please make a reservation and bring and submit the necessary documents on the day.

[Date and Time]November 3rd (Monday, national holiday) *Reservation required*

           SeventhRecruitment Information Session  14:00~15:00(13:30 Reception starts)

           7th batch application meeting (interview)) 15:00- (16:30) *Those who wish to apply must attend


[Location] Fukuoka City Citizens Welfare Plaza (Fukufuku Plaza) 502-503Training room (3-3-39 Arato, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City)

Reservations for 11/3here   *Reservation deadline: October 23rd (Thursday) 17:00

*If you are unable to make a reservation online, please contact the APCC Secretariat (092-734-7700) by phone.

Reservations for the Wing Kids 7th class information session and application session have closed.


Thank you for all your applications!

■Please check the application guidelines. → Download the application guidelineshere

■ Required documents → ①Wing Kids Application FormDownloadhere

Wing Kids Challenge

Dispatch business application form(Scheduled for release in mid-October) Downloadhere

           Dispatch business issues



  *If you cannot attend the above application session (11/3), please contact the APCC office in advance and bring the application documents with you and your child between November 4th (Tue) and 7th (Fri) or November 10th (Mon). Explanations and interviews will be held at the APCC office. The final deadline isNovember 10th (Monday) 17:00(Only in person. Mailing is not possible.)


  *We are recruiting 30 people. If there are more applicants than that, we will select them based on assignments and interviews. The final decision (notification of results) will be sent to all applicants around the end of November.

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