

TopNewsAPCC OfficeAnnouncements from other organizations [Target: Junior and senior high school students]

  • APCC Office

Announcements from other organizations [Target: Junior and senior high school students]

From Fukuoka City, one of the APCC's supporting organizations.

There is an event announcement.

[Door to the Future]

"I want to be active on the world stage in the future!" "I want to create new services and products!"

This will be a must-see discussion for junior and senior high school students who have such dreams.

Date and time: Sunday, October 19, 2014, 10:30-12:00

Location: Startup Cafe (TSUTAYA BOOK STORE TENJIN, 1-20-17 Imaizumi, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City)

Participants: Approximately 50 junior and senior high school students living in Fukuoka City

Participation is free

Advance registration is required, so please click on the flyer below for more details.


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