

TopNewsAPCC OfficeAdditional Participants Wanted for GBL Action Program: UN-Habitat Experience in Sri Lanka!

  • APCC Office

Additional Participants Wanted for GBL Action Program: UN-Habitat Experience in Sri Lanka!

New dispatch training program for high school students
Global Bridge Leader (GBL) Action Program
~UN Habitat Activities in Sri Lanka~

The first round of applications closed at the end of October, but we would like more people to consider participating.
Although there are only a few spots available, we will be accepting additional applications until November 20th.

Through various international exchange opportunities,
For high school students who have had the opportunity to turn their attention to overseas and international society,
By gaining deeper learning and experience, students will develop the ability to think for themselves and take action.
This is a program that allows you to grow into a Global Bridge Leader (GBL).

During the program, we received cooperation from the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (Habitat) Fukuoka Headquarters.
You can visit and experience UN activities taking place in Sri Lanka.
In addition, we are also working with the APCC alumni organization, BRIDGE CLUB Sri Lanka.
We also have opportunities to work together, making this a project that is unique to APCC.

For details, click below. Click herefrom!

We look forward to receiving your applications!!

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