

TopNewsAPCC OfficeRecruiting members for the China-Japan-Korea Youth Forum Student Secretariat

  • APCC Office

Recruiting members for the China-Japan-Korea Youth Forum Student Secretariat

From the Fukuoka Prefectural Headquarters of the United Nations Association of Japan, one of the APCC project supporters
There was a call for volunteers from university students.

As a member of the student secretariat, I will be participating in the Fukuoka event to be held in August.
Would you like to be involved in managing the China-Japan-Korea Youth Forum?

For applications or inquiries, please contact the United Nations Association Fukuoka Prefecture Headquarters directly.


The Youth Forum was launched in 2010 at the initiative of the United Nations Associations of China, Japan and South Korea.
Through promoting mutual understanding among young people who will lead the future, developing human resources and building networks,
Formation of a long-term partnership among the three Northeast Asian countries,
We aim to promote cooperative relations in East Asia that are open to the world.

The 7th China-Japan-Korea Youth Forum will be held from August 26th to August 31st.
It has been decided that the event will be held at Seinan Gakuin University.

In connection with this, we are currently recruiting student office members. For details, Click here Please confirm.
Application and inquiries
United Nations Association of Japan Fukuoka Prefecture HeadquartersTEL 092-713-8115FAX 092-761-6762MAIL
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