

TopNewsAPCC OfficeThe invitation project is finally starting!

  • APCC Office

The invitation project is finally starting!

The invitation project for the 28th Asian-Pacific Children's Conference in Fukuoka will finally begin on Sunday, July 10th.

The 28th Asian-Pacific Children's Conference in FukuokaInvitationShoheiAbout the Business

period               July 10th (Sun) to July 24th (Sun) 2016 (15 days)

Invited countries/regions   44 groups from 34 countries and regions

Number of people invited         228 Children's Ambassadors

Chaperones (adult leaders): 44 people

  28 Peace Ambassadors *Peace Ambassadors are young people and adults who have experience as Children's Ambassadors

Total 304 people

For more details on our business, please see below.

●28th invitation period…





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