

TopNewsAPCC OfficeWing Kids public lecture & 10th generation recruitment information session now accepting applications!!

  • APCC Office

Wing Kids public lecture & 10th generation recruitment information session now accepting applications!!


Wing Kids

Registration for the public lecture and recruitment information session (9/24) is now open.It was started!



A lecture for the 9th Wing Kids class by Principal Urabe (Professor at Nakamura Gakuen University) will be open to the public.

After the course, there will be an information session for recruiting the 10th Wing Kids class. To apply for Wing Kids, you must attend this information session and the Mission Project information session to be held on Sunday, November 12th. If you are unable to attend the information session on September 24th, there will be a similar information session on Sunday, November 12th (reservations will open around the end of September), so please be sure to attend either one.

(Please see the recruitment flyer below for the recruitment schedule.)

You can attend either the open lecture or the recruitment information session, so if you are interested, please come along.

(What is Wing Kids?

Date and Time:Sunday, September 24, 2017

             <Public Lecture> 13:30-15:45 

             <Recruitment Information Session> 16:00-16:30

place:Resola NTT Yume Tenjin Hall (Address: 2-5-55 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City)

How to apply:Application Form → fill in the necessary information and apply.

*URLIf you are unable to access the site, please contact the following number:

Application Deadline:September 20 (Wednesday)

inquiry:APCC Secretariat Wing Kids

(TEL: 092-734-7700 / FAX: 092-734-7711 / Email:


Click here for details↓↓

10th class recruitment flyer.pdf


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