

TopNewsAPCC OfficeRecruiting host families for Peace Ambassadors

  • APCC Office

Recruiting host families for Peace Ambassadors


The Asia-Pacific Children's Conference in Fukuoka, which has become a regular summer event in Fukuoka, will be held again this year! This year as well, child ambassadors from over 40 countries and regions will be visiting Fukuoka, and around 30 young people called peace ambassadors (PA) will also be coming to Fukuoka!

Generally, the Peace Ambassadors are scheduled to stay at home with the same families they used when they came to Fukuoka as Children's Ambassadors, but every year there are some Peace Ambassadors who are unable to stay at their original home for some reason, and we find host families for those Peace Ambassadors. We are looking for.

Why not bring your family and yourself to experience the international exchange that is unique to Fukuoka?

For more information,here

<What is Peace Ambassador? ...>

Peace Ambassadors are young people who have previously participated in APCC as Children's Ambassadors. The Peace Ambassadors will be visiting Fukuoka again as ambassadors for each country, considering the APCC's purpose of "Peace." I will lead the bridge club, an organization of children's ambassadors OG/OBs organized in each country. Peace Ambassadors range in age from 16 to 39, with most Peace Ambassadors in their teens to 20s.


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