

TopNewsAPCC Office[APCC coverage] Host families and child ambassadors, and subsequent exchange episodes

  • APCC Office

[APCC coverage] Host families and child ambassadors, and subsequent exchange episodes

We are the BRIDGE Project 

~Children's Conference Connects 30 Years of History~


"Yokatopia" was held in 1989 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Fukuoka City's founding.The commemorative event, the Asia-Pacific Children's Conference in Fukuoka, will celebrate its 30th anniversary in 2018. Over the past 30 years, approximately 9,000 children's ambassadors from various countries have come to Fukuoka, approximately 7,000 host families have welcomed them, and nearly 10,000 general public volunteers have supported the project. Here, we will introduce to you the various encounters and events that have occurred during the 30 years of the Children's Conference.



<Go to past APCC participants page>




The Children's Conference Secretariat is looking for wonderful stories and memories from host families, volunteers, overseas participants (Children's Ambassadors, Chaperones, Peace Ambassadors, etc.), and Children's Conference project participants (Wing Kids Program, Mission Project, GBL Action Program, etc.). Why not take this opportunity of our 30th anniversary to share with us your own wonderful memories and stories, things that have changed you since your experience at the Children's Conference, and things that you would like others to know about?(Self-recommended or recommended by others are both acceptable)

[Added on 2018/1/22]

Thank you very much for all your applications and information! We received many heartwarming stories. Thank you very much for your cooperation!

As part of our 30th anniversary celebrations, we have decided to open a special "Submissions Page" to solicit the experiences and stories of past participants of the Children's Conference, both from Japan and overseas! With the page open, we will be able to introduce the experiences of many more people more easily. The "Special Page" will be open soon! Once it is open, information will be posted on the APCC website, so please look forward to it!

*Please note that we may not be able to publish or introduce all applicants.

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