

TopNewsAPCC OfficeWe participated in the Hakata Dontaku Parade.

  • APCC Office

We participated in the Hakata Dontaku Parade.

On Thursday, May 3rd (national holiday), APCC participated in the Hakata Dontaku Parade.

The participants were volunteers, host families, and members of the dispatched project. They were divided into two groups: one wearing APCC's original white T-shirts, and the other wearing national costumes from various countries. They walked to songs such as the APCC theme song, "We are the BRIDGE."

The weather on the day was unsettled, cloudy with rain at times, but there were many spectators along the route watching our march, and we were able to march with smiles on our faces and waving to everyone.

Many participants said they had a great time, saying things like, "It was my first time participating in a parade and I was very moved," and "It was great to be seen by so many people."

It was a wonderful day that many people learned about APCC and will be a memorable one for the participants. 














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