

TopNewsAPCC Office◇ The 1st host family leader meeting was held ◇

  • APCC Office

◇ The 1st host family leader meeting was held ◇

On May 10th, about one month after the first meeting, the "1st Leaders Meeting" was held for the host family leaders of the groups. After explaining the current flight schedule and plans for the meeting day (in person), a staff member with extensive host family experience met with each group to resolve any concerns they may have.


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We also held a talk session with experienced participants, who talked about good ways to create groups and the difficulties they faced.

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A "Partner Liaison Meeting" was also held at the same time as this Leadership Meeting, bringing together administrative and school liaison staff. This was a good opportunity for these staff to share their experiences, as they had never attended a Leadership Meeting before.


The "2nd Leaders' Meeting" is scheduled to be held on June 7th at 10:30am on the 9th floor of the Fukuoka City Women's Hall. On this day, we ask that not only the "leaders" but also the people in charge of "Meeting Day" (*General Contact: Only the 17 countries that will meet at the International Conference Center) attend [Details will be sent to leaders by mail at a later date]. There is still time. We hope that everyone will work together to make preparations and have a great Meeting Day and start to their homestays...☆

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