

TopNewsAPCC OfficeRecruiting participants for the Global "Bridge" Human Resources Career Forum!

  • APCC Office

Recruiting participants for the Global "Bridge" Human Resources Career Forum!

Would you like to have a conversation in English with young people from 32 countries in the Asia-Pacific region? The guests are people with rich international experience who are active in Fukuoka.


The "Global Bridge Human Resources Career Forum," which will be attended by Peace Ambassadors (and past Children's Ambassadors) returning this summer, will invite guests who live in Fukuoka and are engaged in global lifestyles and business to explore their careers to date and future prospects.

Date: Wednesday, July 18, 201215:30-17:30 (reception opens at 15:00)

Venue: Resola NTT Yume Tenjin Hall(5F Resola Tenjin, 2-5-55 Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture)

※free entrance

If you are even slightly interested, please come and join us!

To participateReservations requiredPlease apply by email to

[Subject] Request to participate in the forum

[Body] Name, mobile number, age, occupation (if a student, name of school)

Application Deadline:Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Participants: Anyone who wants to challenge themselves to communicate in English! Anyone who is interested in a global lifestyle! Junior and senior high school students, university students, and international students are all welcome!

Detail is,This flyerPlease refer to:

We look forward to your participation!!!

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