

TopNewsAPCC OfficeAbout the host countries of the Mission Project and Wing Kids Program Study Tours

  • APCC Office

About the host countries of the Mission Project and Wing Kids Program Study Tours

2013Mission Projectas well asWing Kids ProgramThe host country for the study tour has been decided.

Mission project host countries: Hawaii, Indonesia, Malaysia (Ipoh), Maldives, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Tonga

Wing Kids Study Tour Host Country: Thailand

The 2013 mission projects will be carried out from late March to early April.

This project is one of the important activities of APCC, which dispatches about 15 Fukuoka children to each country. The participating children deepen their understanding of different cultures through homestays, school visits, interactions with Bridge Clubs, and the knowledge and experiences they gain in daily life in the host country.

The fourth batch of Wing Kids Program study tour will take place from March 23rd to March 28th, 2013. 24 Fukuoka children and 6 chaperones will participate.

The main purpose of this project is to foster "internationally friendly" Japanese people who can speak about themselves as Japanese through an international exchange program. This project will last for one and a half years and will include learning about the history and culture of Fukuoka and Japan, two visits to APCC member countries (participating in a mission project and Wing Kids Study Tour), and homestays.

After graduating from Wing Kids membership, they will participate in Bridge Club Japan activities.


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