All announcements
494in the matter 10 Displaying items.
- BRIDGE Summer Camp
[BRIGE Summer WEB Camp special page is now open]
- From other organizations
[Notice from other organizations] Now accepting submissions for the "National Junior High School Essay Contest for International Understanding and Cooperation"!
- BRIDGE Summer Camp
Regarding the implementation of BRIDGE Summer WEB Camp2020
- APCC Office
[Notice] Changes in APCC Secretariat response due to the lifting of the state of emergency
- APCC Office
[Notice] Continuation of APCC Secretariat response under the state of emergency declaration
- APCC Office
Notice of Golden Week closure
- BRIDGE Summer Camp
[Notice] Report of cancellation of BRIDGE Summer Camp2020
- APCC Office
Notice of changes in reception hours and implementation of telework for staff to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection
- BRIDGE Summer Camp
- Recruitment related
To everyone who has applied to become a host family
- APCC Office
Notice of support charity golf event (postponed)