Participants Voice




Participated as a Junior Ambassador in 2008 and a Peace Ambassador in 2016. After that, he came to Fukuoka as a member of the BCIO management team in 2022 and 2023. He is currently working to strengthen the BCIO and its network.

I want to practice the OMOIYARI spirit and spread it to hundreds of children.

If there is anything that motivated me to be what I am today is APCC. APCC enabled me to see the bigger picture. Meeting everyone from around the globe made me appreciate diversity and taught me what Omoiyari Spirt actually means practically. Making friends from around the world, learning and practicing Japanese language and culture are my fondest memories. Today I am representing and spreading this concept to hundreds of children. Making sure that the next generation comes up to be compassionate, has empathy and are global citizens. In future I am seeing myself making an impact in the world in educational and skill development sector that erases boundaries and makes everyone a global citizen.