[30th] APCC Invitation Project 2018

Top[30th] APCC Invitation Project 2018

The 30th Asian-Pacific Children's Convention in FUKUOKA 


  Document Download Page for LOs  

Invitation Project 2018 (July 12th – 24th, 2018)


Please download all the following documents and inform the APCC office of your completion.




※May※(to be uploaded on May 25, 2018) 

(1)  The 30th APCC Schedule (As of May, 2018) [For All Participants]
(2)  Chaperon Manual [For Chaperon and Liaison Officer] 
(4)  Travel Insurance Claim  [For All Participants]

(5)  Power of Attorney

(6)  Notice on & Consent to Handling of Personal Information

            ⇒ (5) (6) Submission deadline: July 11-13
    *Please have a Chaperon bring all the original copies of the
            documents to Marine House and submit them directly to APCC.
(7) Travel Insurance Details  [For Liaison Office and All Participants]
(8) Health Check Form   Word / PDF  [For Liaison Office]
           ⇒ (8) Submission deadline: the day before departure



April (April 10, 2018 Uploaded)

(1)  The List of One-day School Visit Programs / The List of Countries/Regions that require a VISA to enter Japan


*Only for the 28 delegations participate in One-day School Visit Program on July 17 (Please see the List (1) )*


(2) ★NEW★ Name List for APCC One-day School Visit Program  *Deadline:May 10th, 2018 

               6JAs & Chaperon           4JAs & Chaperon 


(3)  One-day School Visit Program Information Sheet  ※Deadline:May 10th, 2018 





February (February 27, 2018 Uploaded) 

(1)  Cover Letter

(2)  All about APCC  

(3)  The 30th APCC JA Handbook

(4)  The Report of Training Program    ※Deadline:May 10th, 2018 

(5)  Regarding the Performance Event

(6) Performance Information Check Sheet    ※Deadline:May 10th, 2018  

                  Word      PDF 

(7)  About the meals at Marine House

(8) Marine House Meal Type Request From     ※Deadline:May 10th, 2018 

        (For 6 JAs & Chaperon)     Word      PDF 

        (For 4 JAs & Chaperon)     Word      PDF 


(9)  The 30th APCC Planning Booklet 

(10)  The 30th APCC Special Anniversary Event

(11)  Special Attention -1- (Various Symptoms to Watch for)




November (November 24, 2017 Uploaded)

(1)  The 30th APCC Details of Invitation & Annual Schedule


(2)  Announcement of Participation    ※Deadline:December 20th, 2017 


(3)  Liaison Office Information Sheet  ※Deadline:December 20th, 2017 


(4)  Report of Participants' Selection Report From   ※Deadline: February 20th, 2018 


(5) Name List 1 & 2  ※Deadline: February 20th, 2018 

       6JAs & Chaperon (Word)        4JAs & Chaperon (Word) 


(6) Written Oath & Concent   ※Deadline: February 20th, 2018 

           JA & Parents (Word)                 Chaperon (Word)  


(7) NEW★  Consent to Submit Personal Information   ※Deadline: February 20th, 2018 

           JA & Parents (Word)                 Chaperon (Word)  


(8) Information Sheet  ※Deadline: March 15th, 2018 

            JA (Excel)                  Chaperon (Excel) 


(9) Mechanical Certificate   ※Deadline: March 15th, 2018 


(10) NEW★ Dietary Restriction Survey ※Deadline: March 15th, 2018 


(11)  Letter "Dear All JAs for the 29th APCC"


(12)  APCC Disciplinary Policy for Liaison Office


(13)  APCC Global BRIDGE Partnership & the Strategic Plan for the NEXT APCC

